Sunday, January 14, 2007

Blogger Profile questions

As part of the course materials for a short, one day course on blogging, I am including profiles of bloggers as a way for students to understand why people blog. If you would like to be included, please answer the questions below. You can write your answers on your blog and send me a link or you can do the whole thing in email. When I get the course materials together, I will either send you a copy or send you a link to a place where you can download the materials (depends on how large the files making up the materials are).

1. When did you start blogging? Why?

2. How would you describe the writing style you use on your blog?

3. How often do you update your blog?

4. What satisfaction do you get from blogging?

5. What blogs do you read regularly?

6. Do you have any suggestions for someone who is just starting out as a blogger?

7. What's your definition of a blog?

8. Have you developed any online or face to face relationships as a result of your blogging?

9. Please provide a link to one of your blog entries which you like or which does a good job representing the style and/or content of your blog.